Overcoming Procrastination

I'm guilty for this one, and committed this mistake a lot of times. But now I have deleted all the distractions - Netflix, PUBG etc. 

Daily Motivation - "There are no elevators to the top, you gotta take the stairs."

Stop Procrastinating

Step-By-Step Guide on:-


According to Google,

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences.

Why do we procrastinate?

Simple answer -Short Term Pleasure.

Scientific answer - Distractions like video games, web series, scrolling IG, porn, YouTube, etc causes the release pleasure hormone - Dopamine in our body.
Our body likes Dopamine. More , the Better. This unhealthy lifestyle is filled with high-Dopamine levels.

High Dopamine wouldn't have been a problem, if it didn't play with our Willpower for the Long-term pleasures. Our body wants this Dopamine but doesn't prioritize the Long term pleasures over Short term Goal. That is exactly why we procrastinate.

Procrastinating leads to:-
  • Wastage of time
  • Poor performance
  • Missed opportunities
  • Self-depreciation
  • Increased Stress

How to fight it?

[1] Reward Strategy

Do you remember those childhood days?
You got some Homework, you (ofc) don't wanna do it. But then your parents say "If you complete your Homework within 2 hours from now, We'll order Pizza from Domino's as Dinner." Or "You can go outside to play. only if you complete your homework." Then we quickly ran to study.

Why don't we apply it now?

If you are a Netflix addict (as I was), consider giving it to you as a reward for Let's say 2-3 hours of Study.

The aim is to reduce the Dopamine levels, so that you will even like to study. {Studying generates Dopamine too, less, but does}

[2]Dopamine Detox 

This is famous strategy used by many billionaires themselves. Again, the aim is to make your habitual dopamine levels so low, that studying will be an exciting thing.

  • Reading Informative Books.
  • Develop a skill.
  • Reduce your Social Media activeness (preferably stop it).
  • Stop playing video games altogether

Bonus Tip - Consider taking Naps in breaks. It will increase your productivity tenfolds.

I'll wrap this one here, guys.

Efforts went into this one. So,


Peace out.


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